September 2021 - Fall is here and I am remaining virtual! 3-4 yr old, 5-6 yr old, and 10-11 yr old classes already open for sign up. Interest in 7-8 yr old classes as well! 9 year old through teen ballet, jazz, lyrical, modern, contemporary also available. You can dance with me from anywhere this fall!

August 2020 - Check out our latest performance reflective of the current culture.
"As we strive to move forward and rise through these unprecedented times, our commitment to the arts and standing up to be a voice for so many is vital. We rise for economic and political equality and for social reforms. Systems of oppression built upon capitalism, patriarchy, and racism tries to tear us down. We will continue to dance for our dignity. Will you RISE with us?"
February 2019 - Interview with Moravian Academy in a journal dedicated to alum currently and successfully working in the arts.

December 2018 - Rod Rodgers Dance Company was on National TV in the CBS Christmas Eve Special alongside Mark Dendy Dance as the Middle Church gospel choir sang "Joyful Joyful" in "A Bold New Love: Christmas Eve"

May 2018 - So excited to have been a part of the premiere of Rod Rodgers Dance Company's "Moving Through, Going Through It, Working On It" at the Theatre for the New City's Lower East Side Festival of the Arts. The love and support of my family here in NYC for my first performance on stage in 2 years meant the world to me!

March 2018 - So excited to announce I'll be joining Rod Rodgers Dance Company here in NYC! 2 years ago I was ready to retire and leave the dance world all together. While still making a living being a dance instructor and being part of a few projects here and there - I wasn't performing anymore - but once a dancer, always a dancer and I wasn't ready to be done. So when I auditioned and was later introduced as the newest member of the dance company at the last performance, my heart was so happy. I can't wait to be back on stage!
January 2018 - A look at a dance film project I was part of for Leilah Rosen in April 2017.
February 2017 - A behind the scenes look at what I've been doing for cross-training while on my break from the stage this year. Acroyoga is wonderful on so many levels, not only as a dancer, but as a person. I found my second home in training at Warrior Bridge downtown by the Seaport and the most loving and supportive community anyone could ask for. Definitely go check it out!
March 2016 - Participating in the Dance/NYC 2016 Symposium and enjoying a beautiful city winter day at the park.

June 2015 - After years of commuting and living in NYC for summers, breaks, and weekends, I finally made the permanent move to downtown Manhattan! I can't wait for the wonderful adventures that await me in the future!
April 2015 - Review from AF Magazine of danceETHOS's performance at Ailey in NYC.
The piece I was in, "Vim", was found to be one of the most "striking and innovative".

March 2015 - Check out the interview I did with Lehigh Valley Dancers!
January 2015 - On stage with Braham Logan, Director of Artists Simply Human, in Philadelphia after my contemporary dance "Finding Foundtaion" received a studio selection award. The piece is invited to perform at Nationals in Atlantic City and we received a $250 voucher for next year's performance showcase fees. Not being a competition studio, and bringing only 6 numbers out of the total 225 - to receive 1 of a handful of awards was very special. So proud of these girls and the everlasting memories we all made that weekend.